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Riding the Rhino
Sometime you feel as though you are Riding the Rhino, you just want to get off the wild ride and relax. This is why, in conjunction with Monotony TV we created a site where you can watch relaxing videos or listen to relaxing sounds that will help you to relax. So for a few minutes or even hours, you can stop Riding the Rhino!

With Monotony TV we are creating series of relaxing Vision and Sound videos that you can relax with. Obviously, there will be some videos that will make your blood boil, whilst other relaxing videos will be just to your taste. If you enjoy strange sounds to meditate or relax to, then please check out the Sound & Vision Index, Also keep coming back as we will be adding to the Index on a regular basis.
Sound and Vision Videos
These videos are not designed for specific meditation, but they are designed for you to watch and enjoy the sound and visions on your screen. I personally like to watch the Open Log Fire Video, I can stare at that for ages and drift away from the stress of life.
These videos are not designed for specific meditation, but they are designed for you to watch and enjoy the sound and visions on your screen. I personally like to watch the Open Log Fire Video, I can stare at that for ages and drift away from the stress of life.
Examples of Different Sound Videos
This is a short compilation video or different sounds that we have collected over time. Obviously, this does not showcase all the sounds collected, but it does give you an idea of what is available on our video.
Prank Your Friends Videos
With all the sounds that are being collected, we have put together a selection of videos, that can be used to play a joke on your friends. For more information on this, have a look at Prank Your Friends Section.
Help Baby to Fall Asleep with Sound
If you are looking for sounds or ideas on how to help your baby to fall asleep, then you may be interested in this post Sounds to Help Baby Fall Asleep
Learn to Meditate
I am afraid that you will not learn to meditate on this site! All that you may find on this site, are some sounds and videos that may assist you to meditate. However if you just enjoy listening to “White Noise” sound then this will be the place for you.
Copyright Free Sound and Videos
All the sounds and videos that I have created will be copyright or royalty free. In most cases the videos and sounds are my own work and will be labelled Royalty Free Video or Royalty Free Sound Effect. There are some cases where I do use video clips from copyright free sites and that will also be indicated on each video or sound effect. Just scroll to the bottom of each post and look for the royalty/copyright free message.
Copyright Free Ringtones
Not the biggest selection in the world, but if you want an unusual ringtone, then have a look at my Copyright Free Ringtones. If you do use these Copyright Free Ringtones, please mention that you got the sound clips from or mention the Monotony TV YouTube Channel.
Copyright Free Sound Clips
Over the course of filming and creating my Monotony TV Videos, I have gathered together a number of Copyright Free Sound Clips. If you do use any Copyright Free Sound Clips, please mention that you got the sound clips from or mention the Monotony TV YouTube Channel.
YouTube Tips and Tricks
As I have already had a successful YouTube channel. I thought it might also be a good idea to put together some YouTube Tips and Tricks. I personally enjoy watching small YouTube channels grow.
I can not help you with your content, but I can show you some of the things that I do to help my channels to grow. So, if you are interested in some of the things that I have learnt, then why not click on YouTube Tips & Tricks.
How to Use Sound to Increase Video Retention
You may be interested in the the latest post in the series of YouTube Tips and Tricks, This one is How to Boost Video Retention Using Sound.