Prank Your Friends Sound Videos
Play a joke on Your Friends With These Sound Videos
It is always good to have a laugh with your friends, often by playing jokes on them. Over time, Monotony TV has gathered an ever growing collection of sound files. Some of these copyright free sound are, annoying, funny sci-fi or just strange sounds. So I thought it may be a good idea to put together a collection of sound video, that you can use to prank your friends.
Super Funny Pranks to Play on Your Friends
In this series of playing a joke on your friends video, you will first of all start the video and see a set of instructions to follow. There is enough time to follow those instruction, to hide the phone or device, then step away and watch a super funny prank unfold in front of you.In order to get the best from these sound prank videos, perhaps it is best to play the sound yourself in order to gauge what the best volume setting should be. Sometimes using the speaker phone can be good, whilst at other times just the earpiece speaker is best. The whole idea of these videos is, you do not want the device to be found too quickly. At first your want the listener to think they heard a sound. With these prank your friends videos, there is also a set number of periods of silence, which then will add to the confusion.
How to Setup These Prank Your Friends Video
- Perhaps play the video on your own, to determine the best volume setting
- You can start playing the video strait away, as there are on screen instruction and time before the sound start
- Hide your phone or device, so that your victim will not easily find it
- Walk away, but do try to be somewhere where you can watch the joke start to unfold
- Once you have read and acted upon the on-screen instructions, you have about 35 second of silence (enough time to do the above.
The prank video will run for about 8 minutes, long enough for you to laugh at the reactions.
Prank Video Requests
Should you need a prank video making up, then please do leave a comment on this site or on the Monotony TV YouTube Channel. We will then make up the sound for you. If the sound is already in our Sound and Vision Index then we can make up a video for you in a matter of hours. If we do not have the sound, then maybe will will need to go out and record that sound for you (so may take a little longer to produce).
Playlist of Prank Videos
At the time of writing this blog post, the list of prank videos is not massive. However, keep coming back as more prank joke videos will be added to that play list on a regular basis. Check out Playlist of Prank Videos.
Help Me Prank Video
Dog Barking Prank Video
Don’t forget to keep coming back for more videos.
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