YouTube Upload Best Practices
YouTube Upload Check Off List
When uploading your videos, you want to be sure that you are making your video as YouTube Algorithm friendly as possible. Also, you want to be sure that your video is noticed by as many people as possible. This is the check off list that I use for both my channels, Johnny Debt and Monotony TV.
Compelling and Catchy Title of Your YouTube Video
Your YouTube video title can sometime be a difficult thing to write. You only have a limited space and you want to entice people to watch your video. I am not suggesting that you use clickbait, but try to use a catchy title that draws the crowds in. Be honest of what is in your video, but if you can add to the excitement of what a viewer will see. YouTube also uses the title as part of it’s algorithm. Also, when you write your title, try to make it something people would actually search for. Think about how people would do a search for something, then try to include that search term in your title.
YouTube Video Description
Write a good description of what the video is about. Make sure that you include the title of the video. Pack your description with keywords of what your video is about. Those keywords should also be used when it comes to adding Tags to your YouTube video.
What I do is, write a good description of what the actual video is about. I then have a word document that gives an outline of what my channel is about. I copy and paste that information into the description of every video that I create.
Don’t forget to add your Hashtags to your description.
Adding Chapters To Your Videos
Not only should you write a good description for your video, as stated above. Adding Chapters will also help your video to succeed. Firstly, by adding chapters, it allows you to insert more long-tail keywords of what people may be searching for. Secondly, it makes it easier for a viewer to jump to certain sections of your video. Quite often you watch a video and want to jump back to a certain key point, this is where Chapters come in handy. Thirdly, in the description thumbnails will be created showing the point at which you have created a chapter. An extra bonus can be, that those Chapter thumbnails are also shown in a Google search? Below you will see the search results for Net Making in Google Search, as you can see the chapters are shown.
How to Add Chapters for YouTube Videos
Adding chapters to your YouTube videos is quite simple really.Lets say we have a video about How to Make a Perfect Boiled Egg, we would then create chapters similar to the following: One thing to remember is, you always start your chapters at 00:00
00:00 Introduction to Boiling the Perfect Egg
00:20 Equipment Needed to Boil and Egg
00:40 Bringing the Water to a Boil
01:00 How to Place the Egg Into Boiling Water
01:12 Blah, Blah, I think you now get the idea of how to add chapters to your video.
Add Descriptive Tags to Your YouTube Video
In the tags section of your video, add descriptive tags of what your video is about. Also include your channel name, as people may remember the name of your channel and search for that. When you write descriptive tags, don’t just write single words, phrase your tags in the way that YOU would search for something. So if your video is about flowers, then don’t just use the tag flowers. You could use tags like; How to Grow Flowers, How to Arrange Flowers, Best Flowers for a funeral. I think you get the idea. Also you should think about using tags in foreign languages??
Create a Custom YouTube Thumbnail
You have put a lot of effort into the making of your video, so just go the little extra and put a good thumbnail into your video! You may find this post on YouTube Thumbnails helpful.
Monetise Your YouTube Video
If you are legible to monetise your YouTube video, then don’t forget to make sure you tick the box to monetise it.
Add Subtitles to Your YouTube Video
Consider using subtitles for your YouTube videos. There are many people who are hard of hearing, or some people like to watch videos in bed (they benefit from subtitles as they can keep the volume down and not disturb their partner).
Translate Your YouTube Videos
Many viewers may not be English speakers, so why not cater for them? Look up How to translate videos on YouTube. I personally found that a good percentage of my audience were Spanish, so I catered for them also. Your YouTube analytics will show what nationalities are viewing your channel.
Add YouTube Video to Play Lists
Make sure that you add your video to the relevant play lists on your channel.
Add Info Cards to Your YouTube Video
Info Cards on your YouTube video are a great way of getting people to watch more of your videos. One little trick to using Info Cards is, look at your stats and see what the average view duration is of your videos. Then set your info cards to appear just before the drop off point. This way you encourage a viewer to watch something else on your channel. Do a Youtube search for Info Cards, to see how to set them up.
Add End Screens to Your YouTube Video
End Screens are clickable links that appear 20 second before the end of your video. You can set them up so that a viewer can click on more of your videos, or subscribe to your YouTube channel. Search YouTube on how to add end screen.
Share Your YouTube Video on Social Media
Yes!!! Share your YouTube on video on social media. In the early days, if you do not share it, how will people know that you exist? Also when you share your video make sure that your posts include YOUR custom Hashtag! Facebook, Reddit, Trinding, Twitter, Your Blog, Quora etc. etc.
Engage with Your YouTube Video
Write your own Comment and then Pin it and Heart it. Pinning Your Own Comment, has more about this. Don’t forget to Reply to all comments. Top Tip on Replying to Comments.
I hope that you find this YouTube Video check off list of some use. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know in the comments below. Also keep coming back as I may have found some new ideas on how to make your YouTube channel work harder for you and the YouTube Algorithm
Never do Sub4Sub or any variant!! Only follow people you want to watch!
Free Video Sound Effects
Perhaps you are also looking for some Royalty Free video sound effects. Over the years I have gained a small collection of sound clips, which you are free to use. If you do use one of the sound clips in your videos, then please let me know. I make a post on the Monotony TV Channel, giving a shout out to your channel. Royalty and Copyright Free Sounds
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